Alexisofroses’s Blog

Archive for March 2010

Durian’s have long been an inside joke with my friends. We once made a pact long ago that we should try them, even if eating them was one of the worst things you could possibly do. Besides, I’ve been assured time after time that they don’t taste nearly as bad as they smell.Well, it’s been several years, and I haven’t yet tried one… but here is a picture.

Those spikes are scary… and the bottom part sort of looks like an aborted fetus. Yum!

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This is a picture of my new toy. I’m so excited!!!

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What?! Star Trek? As an MMO?! What could possibly be better?!

Long gone are the days when I condemed a game simply because it was an MMO. I feel to WoW three, maybe four years ago, and since them I’ve never looked back. Guild Wars, Lineage II, and stupid free MMO’s have all been par for the course. Now comes the newest one: Star Trek Online.

This is a sample of actual game play from the game. And I have to note, space combat is really cool. It tends to be a bit on the easy side, and PvE tends to be balanced for one person instead of a whole group of people, but there is at least a decent amount of strategy involved in ship position, movement, etc.

The thing I like most about the game though is the ability to write Logs. It’s a simple thing, and one that most people probably won’t appreciate, but to be able to file a log under a mission (just like I really was a Star Fleet captain) is beyond exciting. It makes my roleplaying senses tingle.

Still, I’ve only had the game for a few days. We’ll so how I feel with it after my thirty day trial is over.

  • None
  • Katherine: This sounds real cool Lexi, send me the link. I'm also down for chatting every week sometime. I miss you! You can do it!
  • HDTV Calibration :: i always download the latest free games on the internet *
  • ToasterFaerie: Heyheyhey...he can manhandle my unicorn any day! If you know what I mean. ...Actually I have no idea what that means. I didn't realize unicorns wer
